Chapter 25

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*two days later*

Rosita's POV:

I tried to open my eyes, feeling my lids flutter softly as they opening slowly.

I could still feel the pain ran through on my chest.

I turned my head to the other side to see Daryl was sitting in the chair on the right side of the bed, his head down and he appeared to be sleeping.

I tried to sit up but that only made the pain even worse and I yelled out lightly, making Daryl stir and wake up.

"Jeez-!" He yelled with happiness and his face lit up in a wide smile.

He hugged me tight, making me yell loudly in pain, a sound which causing him to pulled away from me rapidly.

"I'm gonna find Dr. Carson," He said with concern and got out of the room.

I sighed and reached up through the sharp pain, rubbing my forehead and my eyes, holding back the loud groan of pain that wanted to escape.

Daryl came to the infirmary after a minute with Doctor Carson who carrying his medical kit.

"How are you feeling?" He asked while preparing his medical stuff.

"I am fine, honestly." I said, my voice cracked from lack of use.

He leaned down to check out my wound, "You just need rest and take some painkillers, nothing more." He said and after that he went out.

Daryl grabbed a wet washcloth and started wiping my face gently with it, concern in his eyes.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Two days."

"What happened after I got shot?"

"They followed us through the road but we killed half of 'em, I guess."

Daryl put the washcloth on the bowl and looked down at me, "Are you sure that you're okay?"

I shook my head, "It hurts so much."

Daryl was looking even more concerned right now.

"You should take some painkillers." He said grabbing the first aid kit.

I nodded and took the painkillers and bottle of water Daryl handed me.

Within that quiet moment Daryl put the chair closer to my bed and noiselessly reached his arm over, wrapped it around my shoulders.
I straightened up and leaned into his arm and the side of his body, resting my head against his chest.

I could hear his heart beating in his chest, pulsing against my ear.
It was a comforting sound to hear, a reassurment that I was securely in his arms.

Then he gently grabbed my chin and stretched it up to his, so our lips could gracefully meet.

While cupping my cheek, his hand moved down to my lower back and my fingers were knotted in his black hair. He pulled me closer even more, trying to get as close as we could psychically get.

"Uh-" I let out of a sigh with pain, almost barely able to hear. But Daryl heard it and pushed himself away completely.

"This is why we shouldn't be doing this right now," He said with full of concern.

"I'm fine," I said clenching my teeth.

"No," He said while putting the water bottle and painkillers next to my bed, "You need to rest."

He pecked my lips and then got out of the room. I sighed again, with boredom this time. It is going to be a long recovery.

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