Chapter 24

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Daryl's POV:

I had no idea how we got back to Alexandria, and how I put her loose body to the bed in the infirmary.
I was numb.

Her motionless body and bloody chest couldn't get out of my eyes.
But she can't die, she can't leave me...

I gently pull out her jacket and lifted her shirt a little to let Doctor Carson examine the wound.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked nervously.

"I'm not sure, but I hope so." He said while Carol arrived with a bowl of warm water.

"Single laceration to upper right chest cavity..." Doctor Carson said silently.

Then he turned to me, "Did you guys get attacked?"

"The Saviors." I couldn't say anything more, I was still in shock.

Doctor Carson nodded, "You should go right now. When I'm done with clearing up the wound, you can come to visit her again."

"Okay," I said tried to hold back my sobs. Doctor Carson patted on my shoulder before I walked away.

I found Maggie, Glenn and Rick in front of me when I got back into the infirmary.

"How's she?" Maggie asked.

I just shook my head.

Rick put his hand on my shoulder, "Hey, she'll make it, I know she will. She's a survivor."

I nodded silently, it was like I lost my voice.

"You should rest, too." Glenn said to me.

I shook my head again.

Five minutes later the door opened and Doctor Carson showed up.

"You can come to see her, but she is still unconscious."

I frantically got inside to see her. She was looking like on sleep except a semi-bloody bandage on her chest and arm.

"It's a waiting game, but so far she's stable." Doctor Carson said while pulling out his surgery gloves.

"I'm gonna check on her later." He said gathering his medical kit before he got out of the infirmary.


I said and waited, but there was nothing. The silence was growing disturbing and making me worry even more.

I sat the chair right next to her and looked at her.

Her breathing was shallow, air escaping her lips in short, wheezed breaths. She was still alive, but she was in pain, that much I was sure of.

She kept hurting like crazy, I wished
I could keep her away from any violence and sadness but I know I can't.

I brushed some of her hair out of her face lovingly, taking one of her hands in both of mines, and I started to cry silently.

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