Chapter 56

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I was thinking that we can beat them, and suddenly I saw something which made me think that this is really possible; the Oceanside joined the war.

I looked at Daryl to see a small smile spreading across his face, we kept fighting with more determination.

Rosita's POV:

I thought this was never gonna end. All I could see was bullets and dead bodies.

"Where is Rick?!" Michonne exclaimed and ran to us.

"I don't know!" I yelled back. I could even felt the adrenalin pumped through my veins. I kept firing my weapon, again and again...then loaded it again and kept firing it non-stop...

"Shit." Suddenly Daryl growled in pain as a bullet struck him in his left shoulder. He ducked down behind the car immediately as holding his hand in the wound.

I looked at him with panic and shock, he was struggling with the pain that seared through his body.

"Is there an exit wound?" I asked as I quickly fired my MP5 at the saviour who shot Daryl.

"Yeah, it went through, I guess."

I tore my shirt and quickly wrapped around his shoulder.

"What are you doin'? You’re supposed to focus on the battle not on me." Daryl said.

"Shut up." I said and finished tying the makeshift tourniquet around his shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and tried to catch my breath, kneeling beside him.

"I'm better now." He smirked and we both up to keep going to fight.

"Hey, love birds, look," Tara said and I struggled to hear her over the sounds of the engine and all the gunfire. "I think we’re winning."

We looked at the direction that Tara pointed where Rick chased after Negan, He raised his Python.

"So this is how it ends right? Just you and me for old times’ sake… should be fun." Negan’s voice called out.

"Come on." Daryl said and we ran off in the direction of them. But suddenly our paths crossed by dozen of Saviours.

I raised my weapon but I didn't pull the trigger, because they were raising their hands above their heads.

"Wait- we're surrendering." Laura said and she let her gun fall to the ground. Other Saviours dropped their weaopons too.

Michonne and I nodded looking at Daryl.

"Alright." Daryl started to walk away to Rick and Negan. The Saviours followed him without hesitating.


"You expect me to surrender to you? Nah, you can't keep me locked up like some animal." Negan growled, he was on his kness as Rick was pointing a gun to his head.

Daryl, Michonne, Tara, Alexis, other Alexandrians, Oceanside people and I ran into Rick with our weapons raised, Saviours were just behind us.

Rick pressed the gun in his head angrily,
"I ain't gonna surrender." Negan hissed.

"I thought we were gonna kill him, man." Daryl said to Rick, I sensed the discomfort in his voice.

"We should grow, and live together. We have to try." Rick lowered his gun a little. "We have to try to show that killing has to be a last resort."

"Are you on crack? That son of a bitch killed our lots of people-" Daryl stated.

"How can you want to take him alive? After everything he’s done..." I said, my voice cracked.

Negan killed Abraham and Eugene first. And he kept killing our people, innocent people. I felt the hot anger burning up my body.

"I want to keep him alive to show that we ended this. The days he spend in the cell, it's gonna remind us our victory." Rick replied.

"By the way," Negan said, "We bombed Alexandria before we got here. I just wanted to confess it."

"Fuck it." Daryl said and approached to Negan, punched him in the face harshly.
"If you don't want to kill him, I'll do it."

Negan tried to got up few times, but fell back when he met Daryl's fists again.

"Stop it, man. We need him alive." Rick said and tried to hold Daryl.

"Nah, we don't-" He reached up for his knife and pressed it to Negan's neck.

Before Rick could stop him, he put the knife on his neck and made a deep scratch, it was enough to kill Negan on blood loss.

Negan fell on the ground, desperately touching his neck, he tried to stop the bleeding.

Rick looked at the man who was growling with pain and bit his lip, "Carson." He pointed out the doctor. We had to take him to the war with us just in case something bad happens. "Save him."

Save him.

These two words was enough to made me felt sick to my stomach.

"What?" Daryl asked with anger.

All of the Alexandrian's watched with disbelief as Doctor Carson approached to Negan with hesitation. He grabbed his medical stuff and started to stitch his wound.

"Rick, this asshole is the reason we lost our friends. And we lost our home - Alexandria, because of him." I said with a cracking voice.

"Hell, he let his men to rape Rosita!" Daryl said and I froze - this was supposed to be a secret.

I kept looking at Daryl as I felt the group's eyes on me.

"How many times did I have to tell you? He didn't rape me." I spat.

"When did this happen?" Maggie asked with a understanding look.

"It was when they captured me." I said and laid my eyes on Negan.

"You see?" Daryl yelled to Rick, "So many people got hurt 'cause of him!"

"He's gonna rot in a cell, he's gonna pay what he did, damn it!" Rick yelled back and walked away. Michonne followed him.

I put my hand on Daryl's shoulder who was shaking with anger. He took a deep breathe and said, "He is so wrong."

"I know." I whispered. "We can't change that now, let's go."

" are we gonna live like this? With all these Saviours?" I asked to Daryl quietly.

"I really don't know."

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