Chapter 59

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She smiled as I pushed her to the bed. Rosita laid down next to me, before reaching over and pulling me on top of her. I didn't waste a second to leaned down, placing a soft, lingering kiss on her lips. I let my hands roam over Rosita's body, loving the feeling I felt, her body against mine. I looked up at her adoringly.

"So I quess we're gonna be havin' a baby."

Rosita's POV:

"How about Daryl Junior? That's a good name, right?" Daryl asked. I chuckled.

"Having two Daryl running around isn't that good. I'm glad that you are the only Daryl." I scoffed as he let out a laugh.

"How about Meghan for a girl and Liam for a boy?" I suggested.

"What kind of name is Liam? If not Daryl Junior, then Matt for a boy and Beatrice for a girl."

I rolled my eyes. We were sitting in one of the garden swings in Hilltop. We were in each other's arms and discussing about what our baby's name should be.

"Actually I always love the name 'Gabriella'." I stated.

"What's that, a High School Musical character?" Daryl growled as I jokingly hit his arm.

"Can you two stop bickering?" Tara demanded as she was walking near us. I turned my face to Daryl again when she sat next to Cyndie.

"It doesn't matter what the name ends up to be. My only concern is that the baby remains healthy." I said.

"You're right."

I glanced at his eyes before I cupped his face and kissed him on the lips. Our child will be lucky to have him as a father. He may not have grown up with that kind of love, but he is filled with it.

I pulled back and whispered, "You're gonna be an amazing father."

He held me close, his nose touching mine, "I hope. I want to give our kid everything I can."

"I know." I looked at him lovingly, a smile spreaded across my face. "When are we gonna tell the others?"

"We'll tell 'em whenever you're ready." He replied.

I nodded as nausea welled up in my belly again, I took steady breaths to try to will it away.

"What's wrong?" Daryl looked down at me, his eyes full of concern.

"It's just- the nausea again." I managed to say.

"Let's go to the bathroom then," Daryl suggested as he tried to got up.

"No- I'm fine. It will be go away in a minutes."

Daryl put his hand on my back as I was taking calming breaths. The sky was going darker with each second and crickets were chirping. His strong, calloused hands were
caressing my back. I was already feeling a bit better. I put my head on his chest, which is my safe place.

Daryl's POV:

"Have you thought about settling down?"

This was what Abraham asked me once.

It was an empty question for me before, because I had never thought about settling down. I believed that no one should suffer being with a Dixon. Especially after what Merle and our father did to women.

I thought I would never love somebody, I wasn't into with that love shit at all.
But now, looking at the beautiful woman who was sleeping peacefully in my arms, I  was thinking nothing but how happy I am...
I found someone like her, I fell for her and
I made her to love me back.

And now we were expecting a baby, a little piece of both of us. I have so much worries about it but it worked for Judith. She is alive and healthy, why wouldn't it be the same for our child too?

"You're watching a girl sleep, isn’t that creepy?" Someone whispered.

I was so lost in my thoughts and watching Rosita that I almost jumped at the voice. Rosita murmured in her sleep. She usually doesn't sleep that early but being pregnant made her feel tired most of the time.

I looked at the owner of the voice- Alexis was standing in front of me, an amused look on her face.

"Hell, she is my girlfriend, of course I can watch her sleep." I whispered back angrily more than necessary.

"Yeah, I think you can." She scoffed and walked away.

"Don't sneak up on me again!" I said, completely forgetting to whisper, Rosita woke up after my reaction.

I cursed to myself as she adjusted herself to sit, "Didn't mean to wake ya up."

Rosita held his head on her hands, "It's okay, but my head hurts so bad." She looked at the garden swing which was swinging slowly by our movements. "Why are we still here? Let's go to our room."

We got up and walked into the darkness of Hilltop, people were still in the outside, Maggie, who was showing her babybump, was talking to Michonne. I silently prayed that Maggie will have her baby without any problem- so is Rosita.

"Who were you talking with back there?" Rosita asked as we headed out to our room. Thanks to god that every single room has their own bedroom and bathroom in Hilltop. Privacy is an important thing when you have a girlfriend.

"It was Alexis." I replied and took my vest and shirt off.

Rosita was about to say something but I captured her lips with mine just in time,
I took her jacket and shirt off as I gently pushed her to the bed. I started trailing kisses onto her neck. She inhaled deeply and shuddered as I grined under her neck.

"You know how to shut my mouth up." She managed to say.

"I ain't that stupid to get pregnant Latina mad." I leaned in close to her ear and whispered.


A/N: just a fill-up chapter lol and sorry guys it took so long to update this chapter.

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