Chapter 27

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Rosita's POV:

The smell hit me first, the scent of burnt dirt and flesh filled my senses.

Alexandria was different now, wispy grey particles were falling soft as feathers to the earth. The smell and the sight reminded me of the first day of the apocalypse, a full of chaos.
I saw people who trying to escape, they were running to the gates frantically.

I gripped my gun with both of my hands and ran into the smoke. Despite the madness on everywhere, I could hear my own breath, in and out, faster with each second.

"Come on, Daryl," I thought, "Where are you?

I started run around the Alexandria, looking for Daryl. I was starting to panic now, all I can see was smoke.

"The Saviors are bombing here!" Tara yelled while running towards me, she was covering with dirt and ashes.

"I need to find Daryl, did you seen him?" I asked quickly.

"I didn't see anybody." She said and
I felt my heart shattered to pieces.


Another bomb hit the watch tower, causing it to collapse.

"We have to go." Tara said.

"I HAVE TO FIND HIM!" I yelled, tears were starting to come out.

"Maybe he did got out already, we should go too-"

"He doesn't go without me." I said and coughed.

"Oh my god." Tara gasped.

"What-?" I quickly turned the direction where Tara stands, wondering if she see Daryl. But it wasn't him.

Eric was laying on the ground, his body was torn apart. He was dead.

"Come on," I said.

I started to run, not knowing what am I doing or where Daryl is. There was blood and gore everywhere, how can I find him in here?

"We....gotta... get out." Tara said coughing.

I bit my lip to trying not to cry.
What if he-

"Rosita, we have to go-" Tara said.

The smoke was finally getting to me, my coughing got stronger and I let Tara to grip my arm while we run to the gates.

I suddenly stopped when we finally came to the gates.

"I can't- what if Daryl is still there?" I said looking over the Alexandria in the ashes.

"We can't stay here." Tara said coughing again.

"But-" It came out in a whisper, my voice cracked. Then something twisted in my chest. Fear. Pure terror coursed through me when images flashed across my mind...
what if he died in here?

I tried to push the horrible images from my mind, because it did nothing but make my knees feel weaker than they already are.


Another bomb hit one of the houses.

"Okay," I said, turning my back to Alexandria. "Let's go."

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