Chapter 18

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Rosita's POV:

He leaned in and kissed me again but I broke the kiss after a second because the kiss remembered me something horrible...


"Let's play a game, okay?" Dave hissed out the last word before forcing his lips onto mine.

I felt sick at the thought of kissing someone else that wasn't Daryl.
I pushed him off of me but he held my thigh roughly.

"You're gonna enjoy it if you don't fight it, babe." He said to me in a sickening tone of voice.

I stood up using all of my strength, pulled away from him and quickly ran to the door. I knew it was locked but I kept pulling at it to open it.

He slammed me into the door, my back against it.

"Get out off me!" I screamed when he tried to ripped my shirt.

"One word and I'll slit your throat, okay?" He said and a sharp pain ripped my cheek. I looked over to his knife, his face inches from mine.

》end of the flashback 《

"Are you okay?" Daryl said carefully.

I looked at him and suddenly all of the tears that I was holding back now came pouring out. I put my face on his chest, and he brushed my hair lightly.

"Rosita," He said while gently wiped the tears away from my face. "What happened?"

But I couldn't answer and shook my head.

"Negan-" Daryl said slowly. "Did he-"

"No." I let out a shaky breathe.

"Negan didn't touch me."

》 flashback 《

I wanted to puke. I took a step back away from him, but it didn't help because cell was pretty small.

Suddenly he showed up in front of me, when he came closer enough I grabbed the knife on his holster, he didn't even notice it.

"That'll be fun." He whispered and grabbed his pants.

But I lifted the knife that I took from him and I strongly smacked it on his neck. He screamed with pain and fell on the ground. I hit his head this time and didn't stop until his heart stops beating.

I kept hitting his skull in with a knife, I only stopped when I heard a key turning in the lock and the door opened.

"What happened in here?" Dwight asked when he saw the bloody mass on the ground.

I held out the knife tightly as in reply.

"I'll get someone to clean this up." He said and got out of the cell with locking the door again.

》end of the flashback 《

"It was a Savior named Dave, but he didn't-" I almost whispered at the last words. "...he didn't rape me."

"What happened then?" He asked again.

"I killed him using his knife," I said.

Then I saw how confused and sad he looks, "Daryl, he didn't rape me, I swear." I said.

He just nodded. "I'm sorry." He said when pulling me for a hug.
"I couldn't protect you."

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