Chapter 3

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Rosita's POV:

I put my hands on his shoulders tightly and he started to drive.

I wanted to go that run because I needed something to get my mind out from what happened. I keep thinking what happened to Abraham and Eugene. It's hard to believe that Abraham is gone, he was like built up for this world. But Eugene.. I told him that he was a coward many times. He was useless, coward and a liar but he was my friend and I miss him so much. When I think about them I can feel the pain all over my heart.

Suddenly tears started to falling down on my cheeks and I buried my face on Daryl's back without thinking.
He turned to his back and looked at me for a second. My tears were starting to soak his leather jacket. I lifted my head and quickly wiped my face with my hand.

"Sorry." I murmured.

"Nah, it's OK," he said.

We stopped in front of an old building. I put my knife closer and walked to the door. It was locked and there was a big lock on it but Daryl opened it with using a rusty iron rod. I walked in and smell of rotten bodies made me feel like sick.

I heard few growls and suddenly 5 walker came through the shelves. Daryl stabbed two of them and I smashed one of them into the door. We killed the others and made sure that there is no walkers in it.

It wasn't bad at all. There were blood stains and dust all over the place, but shelves were filled with canned food. I started to throw them into my bag quickly. Daryl did the same. When I finished I walked to the door and opened it quickly without waiting.

"Rosita, wait!" Daryl shouted.


But I couldn't finish my sentence.
A walker showed up in front of me and I started screaming. It was a big one and I was about to die under the weight of it.
I tried to hold the walker but his rotten skin got split out. But then Daryl pushed the walker to the wall and quickly stabbed it from the head.

"Thanks." I said.

"Ain't a problem." He replied.

I was out of breath so I sat on the ground for a minute. I was about to throw up. Daryl handed me a bottle of water. I drank the water and then gave it back to him.

"Why did you save me?" I asked.

"You were about to die out there!" he replied.

"No," I said. "I'm talking about that night."

He was looking confused, so I continued it, "You saved me back there, you sacrificed your life but-"

He cut me off, "...but Eugene died."

"Yeah." I said.

"So what," He raised his voice."Is that what you meant? You blame me because of his death, am I right?"

I shook my head and stood up to face with him. "I'm not blame you. I just wanted to know why did you save me."

He looked at me but didn't say anything.

"Daryl." I said with a low voice.

But he lifted his head and turned to his motorcycle, "We should go."

I took a deep breath and put my hands in his waist this time.

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