Chapter 4

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Rosita's POV:

When we came back to Alexandria, first thing I saw was a big truck.
It was Negan's.

"This is not good." I said.

"Yeah." Daryl replied.

I saw Rick walking towards us. He was looking nervous.

"Did you guys find something?" He asked.

"Yes," I handed him my bag. "Here."

Rick looked inside of the bag and counted the cans.

"Yeah, these might be enough for Negan." He said.

"Is he here, right?" Daryl asked with an angry voice.

And suddenly Negan come out of one of the houses and started to come towards us.

"Hey!" He said with a wide smile on his face. "I was starting to wonder where you are."

It took me a second to understand that he is talking about me. He stood in front of me and started to come closer.
And suddenly all the bad memories came. I was feeling like the night that Abraham died, all over again..
But I can't do this again. I had to keep going for myself.

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. "Go to hell."

His smile even got more wider.
"Woah, you're cold as ice, darlin'!"

Suddenly Daryl threw his bag on him and the bag hit him hard but Negan caught it before fall on the ground.
I gasped.

"What the hell-?" Negan said.

"Got your stuff and get the hell outta here." Daryl said with anger.

They were looking like they would kill each other for a moment. But then Negan went to his truck and he left.
I wasn't expect that.

"What the hell is just happened?" Rick asked.

I looked at Daryl but he didn't say anything. He grabbed his crossbow and started to walk by his house.

Daryl's POV:

I can't do that. I can't just stood there and watch him tease with her. I don't know why but I can't.
Gosh, I really hate to see her like that..
Maybe it's because of Eugene's death. I feel like I owe it to her.

I threw myself into the bed and tried to get some sleep...

Rosita's POV:

Next morning I went to the guard tower for my watch but Daryl was already there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I took over your watch, you can go." He replied.

"Oh, okay."

But I stayed and we sat quietly for a while, then he cleared his throat.
"I have to go on a big run tomorrow. Aaron, Morgan and Carol are going with me. It can be two weeks long, maybe more.."

I looked at him, "Two weeks?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Then I'm coming too." I said.

He shook his head. "It's dangerous. You should stay here."

"But Carol is coming, right?" I raised my voice.

He looked at me for a second and headed off to stairs.
"You are staying here."

A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter but I want to fill up this story so bare with me💗
btw season 8 trailer was amazing,
I still can't get over it🔥

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