Chapter 73

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"Shit-" Tara gasped and held me when I was about to fall down. "You're bleeding, what is this supposed to mean?"

"It's something about the baby, I think." I managed to say. My eye lids trembled and everything got dark when I fell again.

Daryl's POV:

When I saw her collapsing into the ground, my heart began to race but I only watched as Tara carried her to one of the houses.

"No!" Rick yelled at me when I tried to get there. We were trying to put the walkers down with a group of people that includes Aaron, Jesus, Rick and Michonne. But I needed to see Rosita. She was bleeding and I was afraid to know what happened to her.

"We need you here!" Rick yelled while blowing another walker's head out.

"Rosita's hurt, I need to see her, man." I yelled back and killed one of the walkers who came dangerously close to Jesus.

Rick didn't say anything but nodded as I started running into the house.

Tara's POV:

I carried her to the house and put her to the bed. Her face was still pale but she wasn't bleeding at all now.

Then I heard a voice.
"Oh my god, what happened to her?"

I turned around fractically but lowered my gun when I realised it was Alexis.

"She's bleeding. I think it's due to her pregnancy." I looked at her with fear, "Do you think she lost the baby? Because I have no idea about all of this stuff..."

She approached to the bed and checked her pulse. "Let me grab some medical stuff."

Alexis went to get the first aid kit and I waited next to the bed. I brushed her hair out of her sweaty forehead and sighed, wishing my best friend to be okay.

"What were you doing here by the way? All of our people are fighting behind these walls to keep the walkers away." I said when Alexis came with her first aid kit.

"I put all the kids inside. They are in the upstairs now. I was gonna join back to fight but then you came with a sick woman." She said and removed Rosita's bloody shirt.

I nodded and watched as she checked some more things of Rosita. Suddenly I heard her gasp and asked immediately,

"What? What did you see?"

Alexis grabbed some cloths and replied, "Baby is coming. I should do it now."

Daryl's POV:

I got in to the house hurriedly, "Rosita! Tara, where are y'all at?"

Just when I started to check the rooms, I heard Tara's voice. "Daryl! Come in to the bedroom!"

Trying not to hear the screams coming from the people outside, I went to the bedroom, but Tara stopped me just in front of the door.

"Get out of my way, Tara! I wanna see her." I growled as Tara shook her head.

"She is about to give birth."


Rosita's POV:

I opened my eyes with pain. Lying in the bed, I groaned loudly in discomfort as another wave of pain surged through my body.

"Just breathe, okay?" I heard Alexis.

Then mixture of nerves and anticipation in her voice told me what was about to happen.

"It's too early, why- why the baby is coming?" I said under my breath.

"It's called early-birth. And don't worry, it's completely normal." Alexis said while her hands were working between my knees.

"Where is Daryl?" I said gritting my teeth with pain.

Alexis sighed, "Tara, let him in!"

The door got opened with a creak as Daryl and Tara entered the little room.

"Holy shit-" Daryl whispered and sat next to me, holding my hand. "How are you feeling?"

"I- I don't know." I held his hand tightly as another pain hit my body.

"Daryl, please, I have to take the baby out now." Alexis protested.

"Yeah- okay, do it." He said and tried to stay back but I kept holding his hand.

"Alright, Rosita, are you ready to start pushing?" Alexis asked and I nodded, out of breath, but all the same filled with a sudden determination.

Six pushes in, and I was about done. I reached over to grab Daryl's shirt, pulling him closer so his face was inches away from mine.

"Daryl..." I panted.

"It's almost done, babe. Keep pushing." He said nervously.

Gripping Daryl's hand so tight, I let my body take control and focused all my energy into pushing. Pain shot through every fibre of my body, and just when it felt like I had no more energy left, I felt something shift. Seconds later, the cries of a baby filled the room.

Falling back on the bed breathing heavily, I closed my eyes for a brief second before opening them again and looking at Daryl.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon." Tara said smiling.

"You have a beautiful daughter," Alexis said while cleaning up the baby.

Daryl leaned his forehead into mine and breathed, "You did it, babe. You did it."

He stepped back as Alexis approached, holding a light pink bundle in her arms before carefully handing our daughter over to me. Looking down at my newborn child for the very first time, an overwhelming amount of love filled every part of my body.

"She’s so beautiful," I whispered.

Looking up at Daryl, I saw his eyes brimming with tears as he took in the sight of me holding the child we had created together.

He reached out to receive the small bundle from me. His blue eyes were shining.

"Hey baby girl." he whispered.


A/N: we deserved to see Darsita baby ugh im forever mad at amc.

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