Chapter 55

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I broke the kiss unwillingly.
"Get some sleep, babe. We've got a long day ahead of us."

Rosita nodded as closing her eyes. She snuggled closer to me. We both fell into a restful sleep. Holding each other close, our heartbeats were beating as one.

Rosita's POV:

That was it. Hopefully, that hijo de puta was gonna die today.

We filled our cars with ammunition and almost every Alexandrians jumped to the trucks or cars without wasting time. We drove to the road which Saviours were gonna come. I kept focus on the road, I was nervous. I reached over, taking Daryl's hand in mine.

"Hey...everything's gonna work out. I just know it," He said and looked at me.

"I know." I sais as a small sad smile spreaded across my face.

Minutes later Rick gave a sign and Daryl stopped the car. Every other vehicle stopped too as Rick got out of his car with Dwight.

"Alright...we're stickin' to the plan that we set up. We'll wait till we see Negan." Rick recounted the plan as the others nodded in agreement.

"I’m heading back to the Saviours, I'll tell Negan that you’re planning on ambushing them in the forest." Dwight said and jumped on his car again.

We positioned ourselves behind the trees. The weather was windy, sky was filled with grey clouds.

But it was calming.

We started to wait, gripping our weapons tightly.

Then we saw trucks coming over to us, The Saviours were near by. They stopped and got out of their vehicles. I assumed that they still didn't see us.

Negan started to walk away along the road,
"You told me that they were gonna be in the forest." He grit his teeth as looking at Dwight. "Then, WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?"

"I guess they must have changed their plan." Dwight said.

"Traitorous piece of shit!" Negan yelled and before he swung Lucille at Dwight, all of us came out of the forest and fired our weapons.

"What the-" Negan kept yelling like crazy and he threw himself behind one of the cars.

Bullets were hitting everywhere.

All I saw was red. Massacre, is what some would call it. Battle were always he same: the sweat, gunpowder, and blood, so much damn blood.

"NOW!" Maggie shouted as dozen of canisters flew into the area from different directions. The canisters exploded releasing white smoke all over the area. 

I shook the gasoline can towards the ground one last time to ensure that all the contents made it onto the road. The air has filled with the horrible yet somewhat addictive smell of gasoline as the road was drenched in the foul smelling and highly explosive substance.

"It's like a damn Fourth of July." Daryl growled as he kept firing his gun.

Bullets flew through the forest as Saviours desperately tried to shoot down the Alexandrians.

Daryl and I started to walk away slowly while not stopping to shooting. Rick ran away and put Negan in the ground. I pulled the trigger for the millionth time today as another Saviour fell on the ground.

"They are running away!" Michonne shouted and I turned my face to see a group of Saviour who were running to their cars.

"No," I breathed, "This is gonna end today."

I fired my gun at the wheel of the cars, Daryl did the same next to me.

"That's my girl." Daryl said and I chuckled.

I turned my face too see him as Daryl's smile turned into a look of horror.

"Watch out!" He shouted and raised his gun again, but it was too late. I turned around to came face to face with the butt of a pistol for a split second before the butt smashed into the side of my head, sending searing pain through my body.

Before I could even move, Daryl threw himself to the Saviour who hit me, I fell on the ground while watching Daryl beating him to death. He didn't even use his gun to kill him, only his fists.

I raised my hand and touched the throbbing lumb on the side of my head.

"Shit." I tried to got up but pain was unbearable. My vision got blurry few times, I closed my eyes to erease the blurry red images on my mind.

Daryl stumbled over to me and fell beside me. "You okay?" He asked as he checked my face and head for injuries. Beside from a lump, I wasn't that bad.

"It hurts a bit but I’ve had worse." I replied as gun shots kept echoing on my ears.

"We should get back, they’ll need our help." I said and tried to got up. Daryl held my hand and helped me.

"You sure that you are okay?"

"Yeah, I can keep going." I replied and grabbed my gun again,"I'm good."

We got back to the war zone as bullets continued to fly past us, some missing us by barely an inch and others splitting the wood on trees, I realized that there were more corpse of Saviours on the ground.

I was thinking that we can beat them, and suddenly I saw something which made me think that this could be really possible; the Oceanside joined the war.

Big group of Oceanside women, who were leading by Cyndie, started to help us to kill Saviours.

I looked at Daryl to see a small smile spreading across his face, we kept fighting with more determination.

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