Chapter 47

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He walked away and got out off the store. Then I took the necklace and put it on the pocket in my jacket, carefully. I couldn't help but smiled at myself. I was excited to go back to Alexandria and give it to her.

Rosita's POV:

"Don't turn around." Michonne whispered.

My eyes got wide with shock and fear, "Why?"

Suddenly we heard more gunshots which caused me to understand what Michonne was talking about.

"Drop it." Someone yelled.

It was Saviors. They were so many and we were surrounded behind the car. If we tried to move a little they would immediately fire their guns.

"I said drop your fucking guns!" One of the Saviours shouted again.

"We should try to get in the car." I whispered.

"We won't make it!" Michonne whispered back.

"We have to try."

Without thinking I looked over at the Saviours. They immediately started to pull their gun out but I was quicker, it was a split second decision as I pulled the trigger.

One of them went down with the impact of the bullet and groaned on the floor.

Michonne joined the gunfight and we started to fire our weapons aimlessly and firing at anything that moved.

Suddenly bullets were flying over the air. Most of them hit our car.

"We should get in the car when we can." I yelled at Michonne.

She fired her gun at them again, "How?!"

"Just wait for my sign!" I yelled back but then realized that I was out of ammo.

"Shit." I hissed and hid myself behind the car to fill up my gun again.

I didn't even realize that Michonne fell backwards. Her leg was bleeding.

"Michonne-" I gulped.

"No. I can handle it." She got up and grabbed her gun, positioning herself behind of the car again. "I can handle it. There isn't much left."

I thought she was right for a second. But then more of them started coming from the forest. Without thinking I placed my hand on the car's door and tried to shot with one hand.

"Now!" I shouted at Michonne, "Get in the car!"

It took me only three seconds to open the car's door. I jumped the driver's seat while Michonne hopped on the backseat with a groan. Her leg was looking bad.

"Hold on."

I started the car and pour on the speed. Luckily, we quickly got away from the Saviors because I was driving so fast. But they kept shooting and my driving skills weren't enough to not to getting shot. I gasped when I felt the bullets hit  the wheels.

"Shit." I said.

Our car slipped on the road while it got slower each second. I stepped on the gas pedal with my whole strength.

"Its okay, I can't see the Saviours now. I think we left them behind." Michonne said while looking at the window.

"But we can't stop now." I took a deep breath while gripping the steering wheel with my pale hands.

But car slowed even more each second and after a minute it finally stopped with a hiss in the middle of the road.

"Damn it." I left the gear and turned my back to see Michonne. "Do you have any B plan?"

"We should stay in the forest for a night, and then we can go back to Alexandria tomorrow." Michonne replied and got out of the car with slow movements. "The Saviors know the car now, if we keep stay here it will be a complete suicide."

"But you're hurt..." I got out of the car and helped her to took the bags from the luggage.

"It isn't bad at all. We can wrap it later."

With that, we took our stuff and started to find a place to stay in the dark forest.

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