Chapter 67

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"Yeah." I said, "Didn't think you could get rid of me that easy, did you?" I asked.

She laughed for real this time. We stood there for a minute till I spoke up, "I should go. Rosita's waiting for me."

"Yeah, sure." She smiled to me again before going back to her shift again.

Rated M👇👇👇

Rosita's POV:

I boiled water and soaked the bowl of noodle with it. Daryl has awaken from some kind of coma and hadn't been eaten anything proper since then.

I put the bowl in a tray and waited for Daryl to come.

Leaving him with Alexis wasn't something I like but she saved his life as I heard, I should have started to bear with her.

After a minute I heard the door knocking and I opened it to see Daryl in front of me.

"Hey." I greeted him by wrapping my arms around his neck. "I prepared you something to eat-"

He grabbed me by my waist and closed the door shut quickly. He led me to the bedroom and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss as I felt his hands slowly gravitate to my hips, his head tilting a bit to the side in order to seperate my lips with his tongue, I blissfully parted my lips to him and revelled in the feel of his tongue sliding against mine. I moaned softly.

"Food can wait." He murmured against my lips with southern drawl thick accent of his. "But I can't."

He pushed me to the bed, his eyes staring at me hungrily like there is nothing else in the world. He lowered his lips to my neck, and I moaned as his beard prickled my skin. He moved lower and put wet kisses into my collarbone.

He started to work at the buttons on my shirt and then moved in even closer to relase my breasts from my bra. I watched it breathlessly as he threw his and my clothings to the floor.

"Rosita," He whispered into the crook of my neck as his fingers trailing gently down my breasts. Hearing my name from his lips sent a shiver down to my spine. I reached down, helped him to push his boxers down past his knees so he can kick them off. My hand found his hard length.

"Rosita-" His words were shaky, and that look on his face made me fell in love with him all over again. My lips found his, kissing him tenderly.

"You're injured, Daryl-" I whispered against his lips.

"I don't care," He said and pulled out my underwear.

The first press of him inside of my body, made both of us moan. I grabbed his strong biceps as he started to thrust a little faster, burying his face in my neck. Daryl moved faster and harder, pounding into me as I screamed his name. I felt myself started to crest, head was swimming, core was tightening and I knew Daryl was close too.
My fingers dug into the sheets and my back arched as I felt him hit a spot that has me seeing stars.
I felt him gasping into my skin as he spilt inside of me. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he raised his head to look at me. The pure love and lust in his eyes made my heart burst. I grabbed his face roughly and pressed my lips against his, his arms were holding me tightly.

We stayed like that, muscles shaking with exertion, hearts racing. After composing ourselves somewhat we lazily got curled up against each other under the covers. Daryl rested his forehead against mine, noses brushing, kissing me softly. I climbed top of him and watched him smiling.

"Does your chest still hurt?" I asked, my fingers were tracing softly over the skin of his chest.

"Is that even a question?" He replied, his strong arms wrapped tightly around me,
"Hell, it doesn't."

I smiled and whispered against her lips, "I love you."

I felt his smirk into my lips, "I love you too, I love you so damn much."

I buried my face in his neck and let out a sigh. I couldn't be happy more.


A/N: chill guys i am not a pervert lol but we all deserve a darsita sex scene this season so i wanted to write one (a graphic one lol) i hope you enjoyed it😅

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