Chapter 26

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Rosita's POV:

I've been laying on the bed all day because Doctor Carson and Daryl didn't let me to got out of the infirmary.

"I pulled every bullet fragments out, and pain in your chest will be goes away in a few days if you get rest enough." Doctor Carson said while checking me out.

"Thank you, Dr. Carson." I said.

Daryl sat to my bed when Carson got out of the infirmary.

He started, "It was-"

"No," I said, cutting him off. "It wasn't your fault that me being shot."

He shook his head slowly, "I hate it when you got hurt."

I didn't know what to say so I started brushing his hair lightly.

"Stop blaming yourself for everything." I whispered after a minute.

Then I heard a door knocking and we quickly pulled away and Daryl jumped on the chair.

"Hey-" I said looking at Tara and Maggie who got into the infirmary.

"We just wanted to make sure that you're okay." Maggie said.

"But we couldn't find any
'get well soon' cards or flowers so don't get mad." Tara added.

I laughed softly, "Yeah, thank you guys."

Suddenly the door knocked for the second time. It was Rick this time.

"Daryl, I need your help about something-" Rick said.

Daryl nodded and got out of the room after glanced at me for a second.

"Aren't you pregnant, right?" Maggie asked after a minute.

"What-? I'm-" I shook my head quickly, "I'm not."

"What makes you think I am pregnant?" I asked.

"Well- we thought-"

"I want to." I said cutting Tara off. "But I don't think if Daryl wants as much as I want." Saying these words out loud killed me.

"Sounds so much like Glenn." Maggie said and I smiled.

Suddenly I heard screams with gunshot sounds coming from the outside and my smile faded. The blast from the bomb rang in my ears.

"What's happening?" I asked nervously.

Maggie and Tara ran to the window while I was waiting for an answer on my bed.

"People are running and trying to get out of the Alexandria, I guess." Tara said quickly.

"There is an explosion, the watchtower is burning up- OH MY GOD GLENN WAS THERE!" Maggie screamed and got out of the room.
My heart began to racing.

Tara turned her face to me nervously, "I'm gonna get weapons to the armory, you wait here."

"I need to see Daryl-" I said gripping the corner of the bed.

"You are still injured. Stay here!" She yelled and then she went out.

But I couldn't stay here.

I felt a sharp pain around my chest but I got out of the bed and grabbed my gun on the table next to me.

And I walked out of the infirmary, thinking about where Daryl is.

A/N: sorry for the boring chapter rip

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