Chapter 31

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Rosita's POV:

I looked over to truck and counted the guns and ammunition. It was almost enough for an army.

It was a beautiful sunny morning in the Alexandria, the sun was shinning bright in the sky and there was a sense of calm and peace in the air, the silence and beauty between violence and suffer.

I tightened up my ponytail and thought about the upcoming war.

I can't help but wonder how this war will end. Maybe out of the ashes we will rise a new world, a future for ours. Or maybe I won't be around to see it, but that's alright. This new world will be a better one, and knowing that is enough.

Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist from behind me, making me jump, but then I relaxed again with a soft sigh as I noticed it was Daryl.

"Didn't hear you come in." I said smiling.

"What are you doing here?" He murmured, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I was checking the weapons." I said.

"Do ya think we'll win?" He asked softly, I sighed closing my eyes.

"I- I don't know." I finally whispered, not knowing what will happen after that.

Daryl grasped and turned me to him, took me in his arms. I lifted a hand on his face, gently caressing it.

"Why can't you stay here?" He asked and I sensed the sadness in his voice.

"We had talked about this, Daryl.
I want to be part of it, I want to help."

"But this is- war. I mean, who knows-"

I didn't say anything, just kept looking at his blue eyes. Suddenly he leaned in to pressing his lips to mines. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. I could get lost in his lips and I did until we finally pressed back to gasp for air.


But the next second our lips were together. His hand wrapped around my back, pulling me even close, our bodies pressed hungrily into each other's.

Then a voice shattered the moment.

"Get a room already!" Glenn said, laughing.

We pulled apart with a shared gasp, suddenly remembering where we were... and the audience we had.

I blushed when I saw the whole group coming to us.

"If you guys are finally done, we have a war to win." Rick said while throwing an another weapon bag into the truck.

Daryl's POV:

We filled up the truck and a few cars with weapons and bombs, then we started drive to the sanctuary of Negan.

My mind was foggy. I couldn't stop think about what is gonna happen today, what if she dies during the war?

I don't even remember if there is a person who I loved as much as I love her. And I hadn't been fall in love with someone, until now...until her.

"Everyone, get ready. We're going in." Rick said. I saw the huge building in front of us and I grabbed my weapon.

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