Chapter 12

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Rosita's POV:

We met others at the outside where Hilltop people were doing their routines. There were few poultry and some people were taking care of them in their coop and kids were happily running all around the place.

"Gregory doesn't want to fight. He is afraid that what will happen to this place after the war." Rick said.

"Whatever he say, you guys should talk to Ezekiel." Jesus stated.

Rick nodded. "But Morgan, Sasha, Tara, Daryl and Rosita- you guys are gonna go to find more weapons, just try to be back until sun goes down." He said and handed me a map.

We took a big truck and got on the road together. We went in the direction that Rick told us. I looked over the map and followed the red lines with my finger.

We stopped after an hour ago. This was a place that Aaron and Eric found last week but since we had a truck we can took all the weapons with us this time.

I took a handgun which Daryl found. Then we found six machine guns and a three hand bomb.

"Ain't that bad." Daryl said while counting the weapons.

I heard a whistle and someone said, "You're gonna give 'em to us right now."

I turned the direction the voice came.
It was Dwight. He was holding a gun towards us. Suddenly the Saviors came and we surrounded.

Daryl lifted his crossbow and I grabbed my gun next to him.

"But we can take something else, if you want." A man who I didn't know smirked at me.

I didn't even notice that Daryl shooted his gun. After a second that man was dead.
But right after that, all the Saviors started to shoot at us.

"Rosita, get in the truck!" Daryl yelled at me while firing his gun.

"I'm not gonna leave you!" I said while pulling the trigger and killed one of them.

But then I saw Sasha who trying to fill up her weapon. Two man were coming to her way with firing their guns. I pulled the trigger at them but I was out of ammo.

"No!" Tara yelled while Sasha falls on the ground with blood run down on her head.

I reached out for her but Daryl grabbed me, "She is already dead, go to the truck!"

I ran off to the truck, tears were streaming down on my face. Daryl and others came out after a second and we started to drive. The Saviors were still shooting at our truck but luckily they missed it.


"Hey, whatcha thinking?" Daryl broke the kiss for look at my face.

"Nothing." I said and pulled him to me again.

But after a minute he stopped again.
"You totally look out of your mind." He pulled my hair on my face.
"Tell me."

I sat up to the bed and took a deep breathe.

"I was thinking about today.
Sasha died and we were just lucky. And we are getting ready for the war right now. What if you-" My voice cracked and I looked at him with teary eyes.

He put his arm around me and hugged me tightly. I buried my face on his chest and let out my breathe while listening his strong heartbeat.
I feel like home at his chest.
This is the only place that I could forget about the world.

"We'll win the war, okay? And everything's gonna be alright."
He said and kissed my forehead.

"We're gonna be alright."

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