Chapter 8

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Daryl's POV:

I really don't know what's happening to her. She is acting weird lately..

I've been waiting for her to open the door since she suddenly left.

I knocked the door one more time.
"Rosita, open the door."


I knocked it again, "I wanna talk to you."

I heard random voices coming from the house. After that the door slightly got open and I saw her.

I leaned against the wall and looked at her carefully.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I wish I would say something better than that.

"Daryl- look, I just want to be alone right now." She started to close the door.
"Sorry." Was all she said.

And she closed the door with leaving me more confused.

Rosita's POV:

This is my new plan.
I'm trying to push him away, so I'm not gonna deal with new feeling.

Gosh, I can't believe that he was waiting for me behind the door..

But whatever he does, I'm not gonna change my mind. I'm not ready for another heart ache.

Daryl's POV:

I just want to be alone right now.

What the hell did she meant?

Did she meant for being alone for a while- after Spencer and Abraham.. because if it is, I don't have any chance then.

But when she thought I was unconscious...I heard her... I heard her thoughts about me. And I was thinking that, maybe, I can tell her how I feel too. But it looks impossible since she is acting like she just wants to get rid of me.

So I decided to leave her alone, just like she said. I mean, who likes a redneck asshole with covered in dirt? Someone like her deserves better than me..

~ next evening ~

I was at the watch tower and Carol came with a little box and handed me with a big smile.

"Woah, cookies, again." I said looking at the inside of the box.

I took a bite of the cookie that she gave to me. It was way too sugary.

"Did you like it? I made it just for you." She was still smiling.

I nodded without thinking because that moment I was watching Rosita.

She was walking to the armory with quick steps. I can clearly tell that she has a rush for something. She got in the armory and closed the door.

I thought about my plan about leaving her alone. But something stopped me. I couldn't just leave her alone.

"Take over my watch." I said to Carol and gave her the cookie box qucikly.

I walked to armory with hurried. The door was still closed but I knew that she was still there.

And I opened the door.

A/N: something's coming
bare with meee GJDBSJXBS

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