chapter 4: behold

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"just because you didn't win, does not mean you failed- faaris"

Hafsa may not have been the most bravest girl , but she certainly knew where she had to behave and be polite

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Hafsa may not have been the most bravest girl , but she certainly knew where she had to behave and be polite . When Faaris had first come into their life , she had developed an instant dislike towards him . Not that he had any strange aura around him or he was rude or had behaved oddly around them . It was just a precautionary measure . After all that they had gone through , Hafsa didn't think she could trust any man as easily . But Mariam was resolved in her decision .

Now a few months later , she could tell that her mother was right . What Mariam had seen in Faaris , she couldn't say . But she sure was wise and intelligent in figuring out people . Inaya was very badly shaken up with the idea of marriage with a man whose words she did not believe . Let alone think of accepting him as a husband .

But one fine day , her perspective changed . And it was very fortituos .

She had been unable to sleep that night . Under such situations , she would normally just toss and turn around on her bed and eventually fall asleep . That might , however , she felt the urge to sit back in her verandah and admire the countless stars that had lighted up the dark sky .

After pulling her abaya and scarf , she had put on some woollen socks and slipped her feet into her comfy bed slippers as she made her way out .

As she passed along the living room , she heard some noise .

Ignoring her instincts to just mind her business , she had trudged against the wooden floor . As she neared what seemed like Faaris' room , she gasped and almost stumbled a few steps .

Faaris' door was slightly ajar and while she didn't mean to peek into his personal life , she couldn't exactly step back after what she had caught him say .

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