chapter 22: kith and kin

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"when we go astray do we come up on the right path. when we come on the right path, do we find ourselves. and when we find ourselves, do we understand our purposes - sarah."

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Derek had been reading the letter he had written for the tenth time in the last five minutes . He had been overly nervous even if that meant he was just communicating through letters . Infact , he felt like it was more tedious to write down a perfect letter according to him . As he sighed loudly and crumpled the paper into a ball and tossed it on the ground , he wondered if he would be able to ever impress Sarah .


The girl that happened to pop up in his mind everytime anything good took place . Her name in itself carried the comfort that was needed to help him through whatever was going on . To be more precise , during the hardest battle that he fought and almost lost had it not been her name and nervous smile that had kept him going .

Somebody pushed the door open and Derek instinctively looked over his shoulder to find Gabriel walk in , taking a bite on an apple .

"Hitting on my sister eh ?" He blew an impressed whistle , unfolding one of the many crushed paper balls scattered across the floor .

Derek slumped in his seat , casting a look at Gabriel . "We decided to letter talk ?"

Gabriel's eyes shot up , "Letter talk ?"

Derek turned around , his arms on his knees . "Yeah , well , both of us basically forget how to talk out of nervousness when we're together . So she sent me this letter ." He paused to fish through his desk for that one letter he had very carefully set aside . When he did handle it to Gabriel , he seemed to look taken aback .

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