chapter 37: forget and forgive

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"a heart that forgives lives a longer and a much more peaceful life- hafsa."

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Afra had to bite back her remarks when Kat dropped a necklace with three diamond pendants from her hand into Afra's palm .

There was - Afra made out - three diamonds . A black one , a pink and a exquisitely shiny white heart . She felt very hesitant in accepting these because they felt heavy in her hand which inturn made it a fact that those were real diamonds .

"Er , girls ," She pulled her legs underneath her and adjusted closer . "Are these real ?"

Jazz snickered , and Afra found it a little unsettling . That expression gave her the answer she was not meaning to hear .

"Of course they're real ."

Kat and Dandelion adjusted with their gowns while Jazz extended her legs in front of her .

Afra flinched . Even when she had topped the most onerous of the country exams , becoming a figure of significant status , she had hardly celebrated owing to the fact that she had been summoned urgently to the palace . Otherwise too , all she would ever do to celebrate was either eat a chocolate or taunt Faaris and Inaya .    To have been gifted three real diamonds , with such extraordinary colours , was too unrealistic . She did not even know the reason for why she was being presented with such luxurious diamonds .

"Girls , can I know why I am being gifted these ?" She pointed at the diamonds in her palm . The heaviness was making her feel burdened and under their gaze , she carefully let the necklace slip into the carpet .

"One reason we can't tell you ." Dandelion spoke , looking at her sisters who nodded in agreement .

"The other reason is the main one and it is that we've had no one around in this place always . Rarely our family came over to discuss some important matters and that was it . Silk was the only one who played with us ever ." Kat sighed , pouting a little . "But now , he hardly does so ."

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