chapter 42: a vow of love

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"every dark heart had once lighted up a million dark ones before loosing it's own luminosity along the way- faaris."

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Gabriel had had quite a breakdown from all the major stress lately . Not that what he was wasting time over was a big deal , but to him , it was harder than ever to commit the smallest mistake .

"Inaya ?"

He called out into the backyard , feeling a gush of wind hit his face . It wasn't cold , but the weather was sad . The sun hadn't risen and the sky was filled with clouds . There was a distinct dusty smell in the air and Gabriel felt perplexed about the climate change .

"I'm here ."

He heard her from a far corner . As he shifted his gaze , he found her around the small shed at the corner . Without loosing another moment , he walked with short breaths to calm himself down .

Her eyes crinkled softly and Gabriel bowed his head a little .

"Wassup brother ."

She cheered motioning towards the steps . After taking their seats , Gabriel stayed silent . He was extremely nervous and frightened . It was already difficult for him to talk about the matter with Inaya , but the thought of being rejected kept haunting him severely . Which in turn , also , made him have double thoughts .

"Are you alright ? You look distressed ."

Gabriel tried smiling reassuredly , but all he ended up doing was sigh loudly .

"I....have something to ask you ."

Inaya nodded reassuringly , urging him to continue .

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