chapter 25: sarcasm

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"if you love somebody, you irritate them, annoy them and most certainly tease them relentlessly. love is all about comfort - derek."

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Sulaaymaan had been too caught up in trying to believe that it was really the girl he had seen at the park that he forgot to get his sisters the ice cream he had promised .

He recalled how her eyes showcased a lovely set of understanding and emphathy when he spoke of the beautiful fountain that his father had designed . Certain things were meant to be forgotten but he found himself not able to let go of the past and break down the fountain . Because it definitely did not mean anything to him now .

Or did it ?

After holding back a few tears that had unknowingly pooled in his eyes , he had turned to her with a quivering smile . He didn't expect to meet eyes that watched his pain and studied his soul in a precise manner . As always , he had prepared himself for a careless sorry .

But she was different .

The moment his eyes met her warm orbs , he was almost lost in the oceanic and serene warmth they got his body infused with . Her eyes felt like the soft spells of magic that left his soul enchanted but left his soul only begging for more .

As she turned her head away he had snapped out of his daze and quickly lead her into his house . Knowing well enough that he would make her feel more uncomfortable than she already was . As she swung around on her feet , squealing with excitement craning her neck to gawk at every corner , he studied her . Her hands were bony , a small dome like bone protruding out of a corner of her wrist . When she laughed , it was loud and natural and he found himself enjoying it like music .

God , he already was mesmerised .

He watched her silently standing at a corner , hoping that she would turn to look at him and let him loose himself in her eyes . Sadly she did not seem to acknowledge his presence and kept on walking around the place . He did not complain though .

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