chapter 57: depth

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"along the lines of her hatred, did his heart find true love- faaris."

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Gabriel may not have much knowledge on the Islamic way of conducting marriages and the formal rituals .

But the moment he heard about Afra's Nikaah , he had started to feel some sort of natural denial .

Though he wasn't sure of what he felt about Afra's sudden decision . She was a good and kind person and even though he loved to tease and mock her to death , he still was fond of her .

As he skipped down the stairs , holding a laundry basket in his hands , he found Hafsa standing by a side .

Probably waiting for him to pass .

"Hi ."

He stopped a few steps away from her and greeted her .

It had been a long time since they talked . Much even looked at each other .

"Hello ."

She kept her head low and once he had turned around , he could hear her quick steps fading away .

Perhaps true love meant having patience and the ability to bargain with sacrifice .

Whether Hafsa truly did like him or if it was only a mutual liking he couldn't say .

But if she didn't , then he would just not bother her at all .

After all , it was her happiness that mattered the most to him now .

Setting down the basket in the laundry room , he rested against a wall and reached out into his pocket .

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