chapter 35: reality

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"when you're tired or exhausted or have just given up on life, leave everything behind and remember Allāh. he's waiting to heal you - inaya."

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Derek had to admit that the message he sent alarmed him more than what he could have expected . He wished to write and send that to her , which was an obvious fact . But he didn't think it would accidentally get sent to her . She would not like that . The phone slipped from his grasp . Gabriel ,who was on his side , was quick enough to react and caught the phone just in time before it crashed against the ground .

"Whoa , steady there dude !" Gabriel scolded , narrowing his eyes at a very astounded Derek who was blankly staring in the air .

"What is wrong ? Why does it look like you almost killed someone ?" Gabriel rolled his eyes , shaking his head and casually glancing at the screen . It took him a moment to recognize the three tiny words sprawled tricklily into the long message he had sent .

"Oooookay ," Gabriel whistled , a mischievous smirk playing across his lips .

"Derek , bro , I was wondering if - " Samantha stopped at the doorstep and narrowed her eyes at her brother's weirded out face . "What's wrong with him ?" She questioned Gabriel who just handed the phone over to Sarah so she could see what was the cause .

Once she had read it , her face paper and her eyes shot wide open . "You like Sarah ?" She squeaked , causing Gabriel to signal her to quiten down .

"Why don't I know this ?!" She fired the question at Derek who seemed guilty about it with his apologetic smile .

"I just didn't think matters would ever progress . So I thought there was no need in spreading news ." Derek still seemed tensed , a hand at his forehead . "But I wasn't planning on sending that message . It was an accident ."

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