chapter 6: fate

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"you fuss over little things, over little situations, over little fights, because you care for everything little - sulaymaan."

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Afra had always been lonely .

She had no siblings to spare her time whilst her parents remained engaged in an insane amount of work .

Her father worked for the leading producers of petroleum and diesel - The Aramco Organization . On the other hand , her mother had hired as a professor in a university right along the corners .

While living alone and devoid of any human contact , she had somehow fallen victim to mild depression . Other than that , after her bullying period , things drastically took a very unpredictable turn in her life .

She had grown self conscious of herself .

To the extreme point of being readily available to taking crash courses to reduce her hundred and twenty two pound weight . The bullying had initially made her cut her hair because it looked like straws . That was only the surface that one caressed . No one - if there were any people around her - cared much about the deep scars that had been as fresh as the leaves on trees .

"We give you about two options now , Miss Inaya ."

Samantha's voice almost echoed in the clothing section of Forever21 , where a few workers shot them all furtive glances .

A few hours ago , she had met her cousins for the first ever time . It was , to some extent , very unfair of her parents to have kept her uninformed of their existence . All she had ever known were a few of her father's relatives who dropped by every weekend . They all were either divorced or not married at all , which clearly was a dead end .

They could have atleast let her introduce herself to them . She was very self conscious about herself around anyone - even Inaya a few times - so she had drawn up a conclusion that no matter what she'd be having the worst time of her life around cousins she didn't know about .

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