chapter 76: a hole

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"there are times when you need to prove you're a human. everyone has a hollow darkness within them. be it a stranger or your relative, fill that hole up for them. let them live with the feeling that hope still exists- afra"

 let them live with the feeling that hope still exists- afra"

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Afra shifted in her bed — pushing the covers off of her legs — and groaning in her sleep.

The room was getting stuffier and although she was wearing a cotton nightgown, it still wasn't working out.

Jolting up in the bed, she rubbed her eyes.

"Sulaaymaan, can you wake up please? Our room..... it's getting suffocating in here."

She turned to look about the other side of the bed but when only emptiness met her, all the sleep vanished from her eyes as she frantically twisted around to find him.

"Sulaaymaan? Ya Allah! Where h—"

Her words got stuck in her throat as she found herself staring at a black cladded figure against the desk.

"Oh good evening Afra. Lovely to see you that you woke up." He paused and stole a quick glance at her before ducking his head."besides you're gonna be sleeping for a long time now anyway. So you might as well enjoy the last few moments of your life."

She gasped silently, gathering her blanket closer to her chest.

"You again!"

"Aw c'mon! You can greet me in a better way."

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Good thing you came......Mr Hasan. Which only just points out to be that my guess was right after all."

He chuckled, not bothering to watch her as his eyes skimmed through the few pieces of decoration that lay positioned over the desk. He examined each piece as he walked.

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