chapter 11: a game of triplets

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"believe me, your eyes can make a star jealous - hafsa."

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Derek had been very nervous about the whole trip . After his mother's death a few months ago , Franklin and him had been very devastated . His mother had been in a coma for two years after the fatal accident his parents encountered . While nobody was expecting such a drastic change , they definitely were hoping for the best . The doctors were very positive and full of hope regarding her situation . Her sudden death had left him and Franklin greatly affected . It had only been a few months , but he had been without her for a few years now . Desperatly he wanted to hear her talk and smile one last time . If at all , he only wanted to see her alive . Breathing .

After being under the control of anti depressants and psychiatrists , he was finally able to breathe . Maybe not very normally , but he was able to manage alive .

He had been slowly started to become an antisocial outcast . Following his mother's death , he had been bullied for becoming the quiet kid from the popular baseball team captain .

It just made him feel even more lonelier . Days passed by and his conditions only got worser . But he had remembered his mother's words .

His mother had given birth to a still born baby girl before Derek . Both her and Franklin were devastated over her death and hardly had the willpower to live . Breathing had become a liability and she had been even admitted into a mental asylum for a whole year before she returned home as a better person .

A few months later , she was pregnant with Derek and the news came through their minds as a small ray of hope .

He smiled , recollecting his mother's words .

"You know sweetheart , I was so badly messed up and shattered when we were told of your sister's death ." She gave him a sad smile , her hands busily pulling out the weeds as he sat across from the lawn , staring at her .

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