chapter 29: "the" encounter

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"a world with hatred will never prevail - inaya."

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Hafsa had been seated on her bed for the last few minutes , staring at some sort of parcel she had picked up from her doorstep . It was a beautiful packaging that consisted of puffed up hearts and shiny glittered diamonds stuck through . A small bright magenta note was haphazardly glued onto an end , which she gingerly pulled off from the wrapping . She had made up her mind on not destroying that unique wrapping paper .

Honestly speaking she didn't know who could have sent this to her . Definitely not someone who is an outsider because after all it was at placed at her room's door . Nonetheless it could not exactly cut out the possibility that her house members could have transferred that gift to her door on someone's request . But then again , she didn't have friends who were close enough to gift her . Which only left her house mates . As she counted , a particular name caught her breath .

Gabriel !

"To the heart that shines brighter than the star , Yours Islamically ."

She read out to herself , the words clearing away the clouds held up against the person she had expectedly guessed . Sure they were good friends and he had been very kind . But she never felt for even a moment that she was gift worthy .

What made her feel special was the signed name , yours Islamically . Hafsa had promised to help him out through his lessons on Islam and that was all she had done even through WhatsApp . Right from the beginning , she had strictly warned him against talking about anything other than Islam . Thinking about it now though , she felt awful . Awful that she had put up some amount of restrictions for him to follow , yet he was kind enough to send her a gift .

Biting down on her lip , she carefully pulled out the wrapper making sure to not damage it even the slightest bit . As the paper fell off , a sleek black coloured box with the name Mine came into view .

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