chapter 59: journey

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"it's not about how people affect you . it's all about how you affect yourself - sulaymaan."

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Sulaaymaan had been engrossed in his dream land of fantasies so much that when the doorbell - the one that sounded oddly horrifying and continued to play along for a few minutes - rang he had had a mini attack . It was a very special day for him and despite the ecstaticy bubbling in his heart , he couldn't just ignore the sinking feeling.

"Oh God ! The bell !"

He ascertained that nothing had occured as he wildly moved his eyes around to analyse his surroundings .

It was only the bell .

That morning he had woken up for tahajjud and he had to - undeniably - admit that the feeling that followed later was of pure serenity and peace of mind .

It was barely seven at the moment and the house was as silent as the dead . If it hadn't been for the fact that he was expecting guests , it would have most possibly left him paralyzed with fright .

With due acknowledgment of the fact that his Nikaah was in a few hours , he just couldn't digest anything more than a date and some water.

During the time he was putting on his black , elegantly designed crisp thoub , a dark nostalgia hit him like a wisp as the incidents of the past whirled in his head like the unfinished story.

As he positioned the igal over his head and let the material fall across his chest uptil his stomach , he sighed. It was still not as clear to him as he had anticipated it to be.

After securing the igal in place with a round, black ring git over his crown , he moved on to pull over the long sheer black cardigan with a thick golden border ; gotra .

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