chapter 26: cry

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"the biggest communication problem is we don't listen to understand. we listen to reply - sarah."

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Sulaaymaan didn't mean to show signs of being an intruder in his own house except that he didn't know how else to see what was going on in the kitchen .

Basmah remained unaware to a major part of the secrets that he had made sure to lay buried . If at all his mother knew , he didn't know what sort of heated arguments they would have or precautions she would take . In short , things could get pretty nasty if she found out about it . He could very easily pass for the most stupidest person to have walked the face of this planet award .

Afra didn't know .

She didn't know that she could not tell Basmah of whatever was happening and for the true reasons she had been brought . If any how she exposed the news , everything would be lost . Nothing would work out and nothing would would work out forever .

And he couldn't risk it .

He had his ear glued to the cold metal door and as minutes ticked by , his ear grew numb while his legs ached stuck at the same place . Though the voices were muffled greatly , he could still make out the conversations they were having . He was being naughty just because he wanted to hear her talk . And most importantly , he wanted to hear her opinions regarding him .

He was starting to get tired with their ceaseless conversations . It was true that his sisters were very troublesome but when it came to ladies , he thought his sisters looked like innocent dolls asking for attention . He hopped from a feet to another , still keeping his attention focused on the low muffled voices.

He heard her speak of him when Basmah mentioned him . It seemed like she said she would try . Unfortunately , he couldn't pay heed to the context .Then again , that one 'I will try' was more successful than a start that he had calculated . However , he didn't try to get his hopes high . For all he knew , it could turn out that she just said it to keep the queen's heart .

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