chapter 10: sprinkle

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"write poems of love from the love in my eyes and you'll never stop - gabriel."

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Inaya had been tossing and turning in her position , hoping that sleep would overcome her and she would forget about the nightmare she had .

For some reason , it was getting really suffocating and she despertately craved some fresh air . She pushed the window open , feeling guilty that Hafsa and Afra would kill her for this . The air conditioner was switched on and keeping the window open , only let in more warmth than was needed .

It has been months now , but nothing has changed . The same nightmares awaken the darkness buried deep in her mind . The tragic event lives within her . No matter what she did , the memories existed . Questioning her sanity and mind .

Every night she lives the scene and every night the guilt ate a part of her , leaving her empty .

Without thinking much about it , she decided to call Mariam and tumble for her phone on the desk . Once she found it , she tapped her logs and called the first number there.

After a few rings , she heard someone's groggy voice .

"Ummi ? It's me ." She wrapped an arm around , the other one holding the phone against the ear .

"Inaya ?" Mariam still sounded sleepy , but upon hearing Inaya's voice she had woken up more .

"Qalbi , another nightmare ?" She gently asked , as Inaya nodded and leaned against the window .

"Ummi , I'm tired . Really tired now . I can't deal with them anymore ." Inaya sounded shattered , her voice barely audible as tears streaked her cheeks .

"Oh Allah ! My baby !" Mariam sounded heartbroken herself , controlling her voice from quivering too much to not let Inaya down .

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