chapter 43: a dinner deal

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"everytime i see you, i can't keep my flow of emotions in. the world suddenly is my pathway and you're my destination to be achieved - sulaymaan"

Hafsa was cuddled up on the couch , flipping through the channels on the television .

Everyone had gone to sleep and it was three fifty in the morning . Fajr was an hour away and she had no intention of missing it . Quite reluctantly , she slipped into her abaya and scarf and headed downstairs .

Her summer vacations never were eventful . Neither were her normal days but she had always been busy with her studies to even bother .

The last night , one of her college friend's had notified her about certain additions in their assignments . They already had a lot of projects that required skill and complete attention . And now the matters took a turn for the worse .

Often times she'd find herself drifted into the past - the events that had already been long gone - and dwelled upon it endlessly .

She would wish to fall peacefully into a deep slumber but the ongoing train of thoughts in her head would cause her to abandon her exhaustion and distract herself .

"Hafsa ? Is that you ?"

She immediately sat upright , feeling her body jerk as she focused on sitting properly .

"Gabriel ?"

She softly hummed in recognition . The familiar fog in her head had started to pave way clearing her doubt .

"What are you doing up so late ?"

His eyes drifted back and forth between the television and her .

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