chapter 27: a stitch in time saves a life

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"it's exhausting to fight a war in your head every single day - sulaymaan."

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Sulaaymaan had been assigned to show Afra to her room yet he did not seem to have the heart to do it. Firstly because he would hardly be able to control himself and focus on her eyes rather than on her demands. Secondly, he felt nervous now that she had such a strong impact on him. Apart from that, if she thought he was a creepy Halloween monster who could not get his mind off of her, then he would absolutely stand no chance in being able to impress her.

"Sulaaymaan, Habibi, show Afra to her room ." Queen Basmah yelled from the kitchen, as she started to make some preparations for a dinner feast.

He contemplated on whether to step back and beg Basmah to handle the situation. But then he remembered how he had already gone through some punishment. This time he was desperate. Very unwillingly, he stepped inside the kitchen, seeing his mother give him a small smile before going back to cleaning the chicken.

"Hi, sweetheart . Did you show Afra to her room yet ?" She asked, her eyes focused on her task.

He sighed and sunk down into a seat at the island, his face in his palms.

"No ." He groaned, feeling his mother shoot him a baffled look.

"Why not? I told you earlier to show her to the guest room that is on the first floor on the left side of the chandelier. Yours is the closest one on the right side and she could come to you if there would be anything she would need ." The Queen briefed all the points again, making Sulaaymaan groan louder.

"Mama, no! I remember all that ." He sighed, running a hand through his silky hair that fell across his forehead. "I just can't talk to her ."

The Queen stopped what she was doing and rested her arms on the kitchen platform. "What is wrong ?"

"Mama, I....." He trailed off, suddenly feeling too nervous to tell her that he liked Afra and he always found himself lost in her eyes. That would come out as the weirdest problem ."I.....she bites !" He exclaimed, making Basmah slap a hand on her chest.

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