chapter 7: a fee

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"when you don't like yourself, everything related to you is unworthy.  when you love yourself, you automatically love everything associated with you. it's all about how much you appreciate yourself. focus more on being yourself and not some duplicate copy - hafsa"

Sulaaymaan had been pacing up and down his gigantic room , trying to calm down his hyped up mind . He had better things to dwell upon and keep himself busy with but he somehow couldn't focus on anything other than her.

What perplexed him the most were her eyes . Her eyes were the same ones . And that's what had caught his attention . Somehow just those eyes had managed to take him back into his past . Only this time giving the hope of a brighter future .

He had felt like his breath left him the moment his eyes locked with hers , hypnotizing him . It did seem very rude and gave off a very wrong start to something he was looking extremely forward to .

Despite loosing a part of him , he felt like just that moment had given birth to a new life within him .

He knew he was not a bad guy . All he wanted was to know that girl and learn about her . She instantly made his heart swell up with joy and there was no way that girl could ever be anybody else's .

And he had been praying with all his might , that she ended up as his wife .

He had to act upon it soon . As a precautionary measure .

"Silk !"

A faint knocking on the door distorted his trail of thoughts . Momentarily fazed , it took him a minute to comprehend that it was Jazz' voice . Muffled and shaky .

Immediately he rushed to the door and swung it open to see his sister's head look up at him with teary eyes . Her short hair was pulled into a low pony . With a blue teddy bear in her hand with a pair of teenage mutant ninja turtles pajamas on , she looked irresistible .

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