chapter 69: international 'husterists'

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"in matters of goodness, never expect any compliments. do your job and disappear like the wind - sulaymaan."

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Sulaaymaan had been hesitating in front of the washroom door, the water hitting down fast against the tub indicating that Afra was still showering. He still wasn't sure of how to interrupt her shower time.

All he wanted to do was ask her if she'd like some caramel popcorn but he didn't feel like disturbing her. Well, that was one of the things he had in mind.

He tapped his knuckle on the door. For a few seconds he didn't hear anything until Afra shouted back.

"What's it?"

Sulaaymaan hesitated a little more.

"I was wondering if you'd like to have some caramel popcorn?"

"Enamel ? No, thank you very much my teeth are fine."

He frowned.

"I didn't say enamel."

He shrugged confusingly.

That's when it clicked in that she might not be able to hear him since she was in the shower. Slapping his forehead, he knocked on the door a second time.

"Afra, close the faucet for a minute please."

"Closet ? Why would one have a closet in here ?"

He sighed internally and gave a short laugh. 

Not having much luck, he decided to knock harder on the door and hope that she would get the idea.

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