chapter 33: pepper and salt

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"she is not a one in a million kind of girl. she is the one in a lifetime kind of woman - faaris"

Sulaaymaan had to admit that Afra's act of pulling the rose sternly out of his grasp a few minutes after his offering to her had got him good .

Initially , he regretted even thinking that she would accept his small token of appreciation . Yet his heart had forced him into taking the risk and like they say , be a man . Truely enough , Afra did accept it but he could not miss the look in her eyes that were blank . Perhaps he had misinterpreted her action , because she seemed baffled yet not willing to accept it at the same time .

Standing in his room , he diligently waited for Haamid to come along with his guards . He had summoned an urgent meeting mostly because Basmah was away for a friend's party .

Sadly , he felt dejected to be doubting his fellow squad members who had been siding for years with him . But he could not shake off the words that fogged his head everytime he felt guilty for his actions .

People change .

"Okay , so Mr Haamid , let them all come in ." He spoke strictly into the Bluetooth , clasping his hands behind his back .

A moment later , the door to his room were swung open . Mr Haamid entered , bowing slightly once his eyes fell on Sulaaymaan .

"Assalaamualaikum sir ." He nodded his head rapidly , a habit exclusive to the man when he became extremely anxious .

"Walaikumusslaaam Mr Haamid ." Sulaaymaan curtly nodded , observing as Haamid directed the lined up men into the room . Sulaaymaan discreetly positioned his gaze over the men aligning themselves in an orderly manner .

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