chapter 72: a wound

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"it's bizzare to know that some things never change. some incidents will remain just the same. and you'll never be able to overcome the memories. it's weird how they play right in front of your eyes and the thought of being able to leave everything behind and move ahead in life suddenly becomes too strenuous. it's a struggle on its own and there's no escape - gabriel."

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Sulaaymaan had almost turned the whole villa upside while searching for his one and only.

The time was half past four and a few calls had awoken him from a deep slumber. He did not seem to understand much of what was being said from the other end until Afra's name was taken.

Feeling skeptical about it and thinking that maybe Afra was kidding with him, he ran about the whole villa to find her.

He did not want to awaken his mother who normally slept late at night. After a failed attempt of not being able to find her and having to believe that she was gone on a wild goose hunt, he inhaled sharply.

Gathering his car keys and making sure to keep his anger in check lest he should end up creating any trouble, he drove away towards the address given. It was a silent drive and all the while, his thoughts were driving him insane.

Why was Afra gone at half past four in the morning?

Why were they asking him to come to a hospital?

Why was she with all his guards?

Momentarily letting his eyelids drop with exhaustion, he pinched the bridge of his nose. Securing his grip on the wheel, he pressed on the accelerator and whizzed through the empty road.

The hospital was quiet as he approached it. Not many people were seen and there was plenty of parking space available. He parked the car closest to the emergency entrance and dashed towards the hospital.

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