chapter 5: indefinable

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"hope for the best because Allāh is controlling your life; expect the worst because you are your worst enemy- hafsa."

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Samantha Parker was very excited about the whole vacation her parents had planned out . She had been in extreme need of a break and since it was pretty much autumn back in London , she wanted to enjoy her summer here .When they had landed , she could feel the unmistakeable humid weather . She exclaimed with delight at how she would be able to savour ice creams and cold desserts .

Her studies were pretty tough and she wanted to enjoy herself as much as she could in the one month of freedom she had . Law wasn't exactly easy and she often felt her head break with the hardwork she had to put in . She was a very patient person under normal circumstances but sometimes stress got the better of her . That was one among the various other reasons Valerie and Victor had planned for a vacation to the beautiful Saudi Arabia . Gabriel and Sarah were both oppressed towards the idea but she had managed to persuade them by promising to do their homework and assist them in their assignments for a whole month . One month with all that and her studies definitely would not let her rest but she was ready to take the risk .

She had been visiting her aunt Elsa and cousin Afra for the first time ever and she was enthralled . Victor - her father - was an only son which meant no cousins from his side . But Valerie had Elsa and a brother , Franklin . This time everyone had decided to gather up at Elsa's place and celebrate their unison after several years . From what she had been told , Franklin and his family would be arriving soon as well.

Elsa had asked the girls to settle down in Afra's room , relax and warm up to each other .

"So , what do you study Afra ?" Samantha asked , watching all of the three girls undo their cloaks , scarves and veils .

"I just got a scholarship after I passed an exam . So in Shaa Allah , I'll be joining in aeronautical engineering ."

Afra replied coolly , while undoing her scarf and letting down her hair carefully .

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