chapter 15: light

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"sometimes when you are in a dark place, it feels like you've been buried, but you've actually been planted- afra"

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The chirping of the birds echoed through the silent house . The sun had started to set , emitting hues of reds , oranges and yellows into the darkened sky . Everyone seemed busy enough to not have the time to notice the breathtaking sunset .

The doorbell's blaring sound alerted almost everyone . Elsa excused herself quicky from the kitchen and left to check up on who would have come at a bizarre hour as that .

She carefully swung the door open , only letting her eyes be seen .

"Assalaamualaikum . I am Mr.Haamid , Minister of internal affairs and public relations ." He spoke in thick Arabic accent .

Elsa opened the door wider and frowned at the men he had brought along ."Wa-walaikumussalaam ." She stuttered , eyeing the men suspiciously .

"Are you Mrs . Elsa Alexander Varghese ?" He questioned again and this time , Elsa frowned deeper clutching her hold on the door's edge .

"That would be me , yes ." She answered slowly , calculating her words carefully as she told . He gazed at him with squinted eyes , slightly feeling relaxed at the crisp Thoub he and his men had wore .

Mr.Haamid seemed to notice her tensed expressions ."No , Mrs . Elsa , please relax . I apologize for turning up at such a late hour . Also , here is my identification card ." He extended his arm over to her , as she kept her gaze focused on him for a second more before snatching the card and examining every minute detail .

Sure enough , the card seemed to have the esteemed signature of the present king in green coloured ink . Other details included Mr . Haamid's educational and professional qualifications .

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