chapter 67: test

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"she'll be my ticket to Jannah. only she gives me strength to fight back the shaitaan - faaris"

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Samantha's eyes were fixed on the suitcase on her bed, overflowing with all of the items she had prepared to take with her.

Pouting indecisively, she sighed aloud.

"I need help!"

She screamed and much to her amusement, Hafsa had almost broken down the door as she forcefully threw it open and lunged forward.

"What happened?"

Just as she had started to motion towards her suitcase with a serious expression, Gabriel ran into the room, almost colliding into Hafsa's back.

"Oops, I'm sorry."

He indicated softly and hurriedly backed up towards the door.

After a minute of both of them awkwardly getting aware of each others positions, Gabriel frowned at his sister.

"I seriously thought you were getting murdered. Damn!"

And with that he stomped out of the room, with Samantha hardly bothered by his words.

Because all she noticed was Hafsa's breathes of relief.

"Ahem ahem."

She coughed indicatively and Hafsa rolled her eyes.

"Just get to the point Sam."

Samantha scrunched her face and agreed to focus on the problem.

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