chapter 44: goals

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"if the world frowns upon you, you're worth true love - derek."

All along the ride to their apartment , Faaris could hardly concentrate on the road .

Inaya was seated beside him staring out of the window with her elbow propped on the door handle .

He was thankful for that .

There was a relatively large silly smile on his face and he was trying to not look too happy or excited . Inaya didn't seem to bother much about him since she had been sitting in that position as soon as they'd exchanged salaam .

He was looking forward to his date . His first ever proper meeting with Inaya . With his wife . The person he so hopelessly fell in love with .

As he parked the car into the parking lot , he immediately swung open his door and jumped to Inaya's side before she could come out on her own .

He clutched the handle and opened the door .

Inaya looked startled as she flickered her gaze between him and the car door . An awkward moment passed between them as she deciphered the situation they were in . Still dazed , she stepped out only to slip on her abaya . Faaris quickly balanced her by sliding an arm around her waist and pulling her up on her feet by his free hand .

She fell upon his chest with her palms unknowingly clutching his thoub . Her eyes widened for a fraction of second until he met his gaze and relaxed fairly .

A girl passing by whistled and Inaya almost shuddered with fear . Her gaze broke from Faaris' and fell upon the girl with a large smile and hands on her waist as she kept wiggling her brows at them .

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