chapter 8: delight and dejection

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"just because i don't show my pain, doesn't mean i don't have any. nobody in this world is born to be perfect individual or have a perfect life - gabriel."


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Sulaaymaan had been very impatient regarding the girl he had seen . It had been two days and there was still no news from Haamid . Except that she was not a native Saudi . Which was rather easy to figure out since she didn't speak Arabic or gave any clue of her nationality .

Nonetheless , Sulaaymaan had been very disturbed about finding out a girl similar to her . What puzzled him more was she even behaved like her .

"Assalaamualaikum , Mr.Sulaaymaan ."

He had picked up the call very excitedly , after seeing the caller ID .

"Walaikumusslaaam Haamid . Did you get anything regarding her ?" Sulaaymaan questioned , tapping his foot impatiently .

"Yes , sir . I've found everything about her . Ana aasif , that it could me too long . She was difficult to figure out just with her eye colour ." He spoke excitedly .

Sulaaymaan shook his head , holding up a hand . "Maafi Mushkila , I'm glad you figured her out finally ."

Haamid let out a small laugh . "Sir , she is Afra Aazeen . The daughter of a very renowned engineer , Alexander Varghese . For now - "

"Her father is a Christian ?" Sulaaymaan exclaimed .

Haamid nodded curtly . "Yes sir , he and her mother , Elsa Varghese are Christians ."

Sulaaymaan was shocked . He wasn't in the least expecting such news to reach his ears . It had come off as a major shock and he had to take a minute to register it properly .

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