chapter 20: a new start

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"there's always an unheard voice in every soul which you shouldn't ignore - inaya."

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Gabriel had been seated at one of the lawn chairs, skimming through the books Hafsa had got for him from a nearby library .

"So , shall we start now ?" Hafsa questioned softly , her hands on the table .

Gabriel felt like the world around them had started to become dazy until Hafsa was the only thing that he could see . With her soft voice echoing in his ears , he sat transfixed . Maybe it was the way her eyes twinkled when she talked about Islam or perhaps it was his own mind playing games with him .

Hafsa snapped a book shut , bringing him back to the present situation as he found her sorting out through the huge pile .

"Now ," she paused , swinging open a book ,"The first thing we will have to study about is , Allah and his oneness ."

Gabriel felt like a complete Idiot , lost deeply in his fantasy world .

Hafsa gestured vaguely towards the book in her hand , "This book explains in detail about all the Quranic verses and Hadeeth that speak of Allah's oneness ."

He nodded curtly , following her gaze that was stuck at the book once again .

"Gabriel ," she spoke softly , setting the book aside . "I need to know that this is your decision . The fact that you want to learn Islam , I hope it's only your choice . Remember that no one can force you into this religion . Forcing Islam on any human is haraam or prohibited . Unless you don't want to learn about it willingly , you won't be considered as a Muslim or would be Muslim ."

How can I tell you the way you twisted my heart into accepting anything that comes with your voice ? How can I tell you how enchanting you sound when you talk about Islam ? How can I tell you that Islam is now my Deen already ? He exhaled loudly .

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