chapter 24: a pie

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"deal with love and compassion and all the major world problems would suddenly seem like childish games - inaya."

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Afra may have not been fond of large mansions and open spaces , but she couldn't say she didn't enjoy the view that was making her squeak with excitement . The large mansion stood against the sidewalk , towering over her . The cream coating of the mansion shined as the sun beat down on it . She noticed a unique fold of wires encaging the mansion in a protective manner . The roof was peaked , slanting down at an angle . She could make out a total of twelve , floor length windows , with maroon curtains drawn so that the sunlight could stream through .

As she walked further , the whole of the large lawn was covered in thick grass and a few flower beds embedded on each side of the thin pavement , making the colourful hue pop against the dark green . She almost missed the large , marble fountain sitting at the left of the lawn , with a princess holding an apple . She squinted her eyes to make out the face along with the clothes , before her eyes widened with joy .

"Isn't that snow white ?!" She almost yelled , her face snapping to meet Sulaaymaan's gaze .

It looked like he had been staring at her . Afra cleared her throat loudly , making him shake out of his daze . When he faced her again , he had a soft smile .

"I'm sorry . Can you come again ?" He questioned .

Afra squinted her eyes at him a little incredulously .

"Isn't that snow white ?" She pointed at the fountain and a low chuckle escaped his lips .

"Of course , that is her !" He paused , his eyes fixed on it . Afra could make out the sadness and a swirl of emotions that reflected off of his eyes as he kept staring at it longingly . "Baba had this prepared for mama as her first wedding anniversary gift . She had always been a very big fan of snow white . Not because she was beautiful . Rather it was because she loved the way her life was shown . Death was never an ending . It was the most beautiful blessing . Yeah , it was a fairytale ." Sulaaymaan chuckled , his eyes diverting to meet Afra's . "But after all , fairytales can always be made to come true ."

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