chapter 9: a drop of fear

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"my heart was a beggar; with nothing but a few shards of love,

but you came and you changed me into a millionaire,
a millionaire with a heart full of love.
love is a powerful feeling that conquers true hearts and destroys false ones,

only true hearts, capable of handling it's power, love and are loved- faaris."

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Faaris had joined his new office a few days back . And thankfully , all the formalities had been cleared off much more effortlessly than he had thought . As far as his boss Aasiq was concerned , he wasn't that bad of a guy . Just loved to have fun and enjoy every situation .

"Where's my girlfriend ?"

He exclaimed , sitting down on the couch and relaxing against it . The work load was insane , sometimes even continuing for days together , depending upon the type of protection or client being served. With him being a retired army official , it was not entirely bad . A little tiring perhaps .

"Don't talk to me liar ."

He smiled wide , as Mahreen's insult echoed in the empty house .

As she stomped her way into the living room , her open hair almost flying about due to the intensity of her steps , he got up from his seat and went on his knees in front of her .

"Oh my baby ! I missed you so much ."

Mahreen scoffed , crossing her arms over her chest and huffing loudly .

"Guess you missed her more ."

Faaris' mouth twitched with a larger smile .

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