chapter 60: encounter

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"believe in the unbelievable power of your spirit - afra."


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Sulaaymaan had walked hurriedly into the kitchen , shooting glances from over his shoulder at the crowd of men cheerfully engaged in some silly chats.

"Mama , are you alright ? You've been in the kitchen for so long. Go ahead and enjoy with the ladies."

Queen Basmah carefully positioned the tea pot over a serving tray alongside a few cups.

"Aw c'mon ! It's my only son's wedding today. Of course I'm not tired. "

Sulaaymaan snaked an arm around his mother's waist and side hugged her.

"You still need to take it easy."

Queen Basmah waved a hand and began to assemble some cakes and cookies , hardly looking at him.

"Don't worry. You relax."

"But you still need to spend some time with Afra's family. And later we'll be having your brothers and sisters over."

Her eyes lit up and a slow , but wide smile formed over her lips.

"I'm excited !"

She sang and patted Sulaaymaan's face as she moved across the kitchen to pull out another serving tray.

When she turned around — dusting her hands — her eyes narrowed at him. 

"You're still here ? My boy , get going. The people out there are waiting for the groom."

She shooed him away and Sulaaymaan heftily turned around to leave only to be stopped by her.

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