chapter 68: the mall

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"the kindest hearts are the most blackened - derek"

"the kindest hearts are the most blackened - derek"

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Derek had just about settled down on a table for three at the mall of Janabiyah

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Derek had just about settled down on a table for three at the mall of Janabiyah. It was a large and widely spaced building with over ten floors that held a variety of stores. Exquisite lighting brightened up the pathways and dark marble tiles were layed down.

It was busy with a lot of liveliness and happiness.

Although he had naturally expected to go into some actual restaurant, Faaris had told them that they had to try the Italian food from a stall at this mall.

It was a twenty minute drive and the stall was located on the ground floor. Just according to the setting, the stall was shaped into a mollusk within which - instead of a pearl - the counter was found.

Long lines indicated that it surely did sell some good food. Both Gabriel and Faaris had headed to give their order. On the other hand, he had chosen to take a table and get seated while enjoying the scene.

He did click a lot of pictures while awaiting their arrival.

Faaris had called him and Gabriel earlier in the afternoon so they could have a good dinner together for the last time since both of them were to leave early the day after tomorrow.

Resting his elbows over the table top, he fancied the welcoming smiles many passerby's threw at him.

He didn't see that much in England.

There was a large waterfall that went uptil the supposed roof of the mall. Water trickled down across the bounders and fell down into a large pond underneath with artificial rocks. From where he sat, raising his neck a but, he could clearly see some gold fishes swimming through.

Large glass slides rested a few feet high, serving as barriers to the little kids who kept swaying around that area a lot.

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