chapter 53: the unlikely love

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"let the scars speak of how much you've grown - faaris."


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A far more prestigious nikaah ceremony lay ahead of him , but he was tensed about his birthday celebrations .

"Habibi , you might need to fix it better than before . I don't know why but the chandelier fell a few days back ."

He spoke at the man who was standing high up on the ladder , looking down upon the prince with his mouth agape .

"It fell ?"

Sulaaymaan nodded with pursed lips .

The man went back to his work , twisting and turning the piece of metal to understand what could've happened .

"Sir , I think someone cut the thing off ." He paused and pulled at the chain , holding a hand at his waist . "Someone tampered with it for sure."

Sulaaymaan felt his stomach sink . It was true that someone had toyed with it , hut he had wished against all odds that it shouldn't be true .

"Oh...Oka..okay . Thank you so much . Please go about and finish the work ."

The men shot him smiles and immediately went back to work . In the meanwhile , he stepped to a corner and pursed his lips tight .

The tension that had been pressing him at the back of his mind made his heart beat accelerate a hundred times .

The chandelier had been meddled with and there was a secret passageway in the back of her wardrobe .

He never knew about it .

He held a shaky hand against his forehead and lay against the wall . Balloons were being hung by the walls , the Triplets were dancing around behind Queen Basmah who was trying to keep them involved in some work , the stage was being laid down and sparkles were being used to spice up the layout .

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