chapter 54: proposal

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"the best is found in the most ordeous circumstances - inaya."

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Sulaaymaan had been eagerly pacing up and down the living room . Despite the loud noises and chattering , he felt like his mumbling could be heard .

He was so nervous with what could be the proper way to break the news to her parents that he kept muttering certain ways of coming forward with his proposal .

He had convinced Mr and Mrs Alexander Varghese to meet him at a café outside the royal grounds . It would be respectful and polite.  Besides , a matter as trivial as that , required careful planning and execution .

All he had left to do was hear Afra's answer to his proposal and then take her with him .

"Silk , can we like , hire monkeys ?"

Jazz pulled at his thoub , making him nearly jump a foot in the air . Sometimes his sisters were more frightening than the dangers he had experienced .

"Hmm....I don't think we can do that Habibti ."

She craned her head and looked up at him with a sad pout. 

"But I really would want that . You remember Shirley in my class ? She told me once that monkeys are experts at doing hairstyles ."

She hoped on her feet and Sulaaymaan groaned internally .

"It's still a no ."

He absently replied and her head fell low disappointedly .

"You're mean ."

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