chapter 41: requital

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"sometimes when things are falling apart, they might actually be falling in place- inaya"

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The weather had fallen to an ill fate ; crying light tears of impotency while being surrounded by the darkest of troubles that could make you shed tears incessantly .

The last few events of his life had made him so very sensitively frail that the climate change had fallen over him like a hex . Apart from the fact that he was standing at Haaroon's funeral ; heartbroken .

Whatever had caused him to not bid farewell to Haaroon - as he was being lowered into the depths of the moistened soil of earth - he couldn't think . For all he knew , his friend's face glowed with Noor , he didn't have the courage to face him after being the soul reason of his death and hearing the loud and uncontrollable sobs of his father .

Sulaaymaan could hardly bring himself to talk to his household . He was the reason Haaroon wouldn't be there anymore and he was the reason his family was scarred heavily . Death was inevitable but the factors he passed away in were not what he deserved .

"Sir , are you alright ?"

All of the other guards had accompanied him - even when he had most vehemently threatened to dispose them off alive - for they feared for his life more than theirs .

"Sir , you look terrible . Are you sure you're alright ?"

Yaaser - a sturdy man in his late thirties - gripped Sulaaymaan's shoulders in fear that the latter would collapse .

Sulaaymaan briskly nodded his head and held up a hand .

"He's gone and atleast I'm alive . What could be better than that ."

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