chapter 46: a, b and z

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"if only anyone could tear open my chest they'd be surprised with the number of needles pierced into my heart - faaris"

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Sulaaymaan had enjoyed the tea Afra had got for him in silence while she kept absently taking sips from her cup while staring in the air .

Trepidation was obvious on her face . Even though she had barely spoken more than a handful of words ever since she was escorted to the palace , he could understand her . They had talked relatively more but her words were mostly empty or discomforted . And perhaps that is how he had mastered her eyes . The emotions playing through them . The sadness reflecting through .

"What are you planning on doing ?"

He turned to look at her but her face remained in the same position .

"I have a few things in mind . But for starters , I'm going to have to let mama know that we are going to get married ."

Afra stiffened . And Sulaaymaan could feel her uneven breath .

"Miss Afra , I know you aren't comfortable with this . Trust me , it's not for me either ."

Liar .

"As soon as all this ends , I will divorce you ."

The words stung his mouth . No word before had ever had an impact as harsh as this one . And to think that he had started to live his life again , meeting her .

"That you sure should ."

Wow .

So much for being strong .

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